Burmese Khao Suey

Some food spells comfort, and amongst those perhaps a bowl of warm Burmese Khao Suey tops the list. This is a hearty wholesome meal that has all the macros and micros intact. While the base is noodles or rice, a light delightful coconut broth flavored with a choice of vegetables or non-vegetarian items is what makes this so delightful. Easy to construct, I have prepared a non-vegetarian version using chicken. But this can be substituted instead with carrots, brinjal, pumpkin, potatoes, peas, beans or any other vegetable of your choice. And my favorite part of a Khao Suey is the garnishing options. Fresh spring onions, fried onions & garlic, grated eggs, roasted peanuts- well the choices are endless and so is the scope of this meal and taste. 

Serves- 3-4 people


300 gm noodles or cooked steamed rice

For the curry

400 gms chicken (preferably boneless) or choice of vegetables
2 tbsp cashew nuts
2 tbsp fresh grated coconut(or desiccated)
2 small onion
4-5 garlic pods
1 piece of small ginger
1 tsp coriander powder ( or seeds)
1 tsp cumin seeds
1 tsp peppercorn
2 dry red chilies
1 tbsp dry prawns, optional ( washed and re-hydrated in warm water)
1 tsp sugar/jaggery
1 tsp tamarind pulp/ 2 tsp lemon juice
200 ml coconut milk
Salt, to taste

For the garnishing:

4 hardboiled eggs, grated
Fresh coriander
Fresh spring onions
Fried Onion
Fried Garlic
Chili Oil


Boil and drain the noodles, keep aside. 
Now prepare the curry paste, by grinding everything in a blender, except the coconut milk. 
Heat oil in a wok, and put the curry paste and chicken. Fry in medium to low heat till the chicken is well cooked. You might need to add a little water. 
Also, the curry paste has cashew so you have to be careful and stir at intervals, else the paste will start sticking to the bottom of the pan. Do keep splashing water and lower the flame when this happens.
Once the chicken is cooked properly, add the coconut milk. Add the milk slowly in low flame to avoid curdling. Add a cup of water, more if needed. Bring it to a boil. 
Check the consistency of the curry, it need not be very thick. Taste and add any seasoning (salt/sugar/ sour) if you think it is needed to adjust.

Garnish with a dollop of Chili Oil.

Garnishing and serving options: This is the most beautiful part of Khao Suey, the garnishing is always deconstructed, and you can top with whatever you like. You can add all of them together or choose a few. 

Accompaniment: Khao Suey can be had and relished equally with both noodles and steamed rice. Have it with a soupy consistency.

Get the recipe for Chili Oil here
